Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Puppy Girl Corner

I'd like to introduce you to our newest family member, Madison!

Shh!  Puppy's sleeping!
She needed a special place of her own to hang out, so I took this rather awkward corner of the kitchen...

... and turned it into Puppy Girl Corner!

Madison's crate fit perfectly into the odd space.  I added a cutting board attached to some large shelf brackets to make a small counter space.

Underneath the cutting board, I added a tension rod and skirt to hide all of her doggy needs!

I even made a little cafe canopy on top by using two tension rods to drape coordinating fabric and glued-on fringe.

The counter top holds her treat jar and a basket for her leash.  Everything's in one place!

I also extended the Fake Beadboard and Fake Punched Tin around her little corner and added a little "Welcome Mat" to the front door of her crate.

Sorry I couldn't get her to stay still long enough to get a photo of her in her special corner, though!

Linking Up at Tip Junkie, Today's Creative Blog, The Frugal GirlsFunky Junk Interiors and these other Great Parties! 

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  1. Congrats shes precious. I love the little nook turned puppy room!

  2. That's so cute! What a great use of space!

  3. How ADORABLE!!! i wish i had a "nook" for our pupies

  4. How sweet! Our "pup" is too big for a nook. :)

  5. Oh, a Westie! My favorite breed. I grew up with a wonderful Westie named Brynn. Yours looks adorable. Such a creative use of that 'awkward' space in the kitchen. Nice job!

  6. Awesome job! And I'm sure your new family member appreciates it :)

  7. Your Puppy Girl Corner looks amazing and it is a perfect for your pooch to rest.
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