Friday, October 14, 2011

Being Frugal On Weight Watchers

I joined Weight Watchers three weeks ago.  I initially didn't want to because I hate paying for something that I can do myself for free, but seeing as how I HAVEN'T been doing it myself, it made sense to get some support.  Also, I realized that my health and well-being was worth $40/month.

Now, if you've been reading my blog, you know that I love to cook - usually high calorie comfort food!  So for lower calorie inspiration, I've been perusing Pinterest and have discovered so many incredibly creative and delicious ideas.  Here are a few that are on my list to try:

No Sugar Cookie Dough Dip using chickpeas!

Start with dessert first!  "Chocolate Covered Katie" has got this recipe for No Sugar Cookie Dough Dip that has a surprise secret ingredient!  That's not all she's got - her blog is has a wealth of low-cal contributions!

Cheesy Cauliflower Pancakes
For a delicious alternative to the potato variety, how about these Cheesy Cauliflower Pancakes from  "A Good Appetite?"  

"Chef In Training" is one of my favorite foodie blogs to follow.  She's whipped up a Weight Watchers 6 Point Bubble Up Enchiladas!  OK, my mouth is watering now!

Family friendly Baked Ziti with Spinach is a great meal to make and freeze for those days that you just don't feel like cooking, but want to stay on budget and healthy.  "Skinny Taste" has got this and TONS of recipes listed by Weight Watchers Points Values!

What if you're looking to eat a whole bowl of something crunchy and salty?  Try "Delighted Momma's" Baked Kale Chips!  Since Weight Watchers doesn't assign Points to fruits or veggies, you can chow down on these and get some good vitamins and iron into your diet as well! 

Eating right is definitely important when trying to lose weight, but the other part of the equation is exercise.  On that point, I will remain Forever Frugal - Walking Is Free! Check out "Felicia's Blog" for great information about How to Burn Calories by Walking. You can walk outside when the weather is nice as it has been on these crisp autumn days, or inside of a mall during the winter months.  

I need as much inspiration as I can get!  Please share YOUR Frugal Diet and Exercise Ideas in the comments section below!  Cheers to your health!

Linking Up at Tip Junkie, Today's Creative Blog and these other Great Parties!   


  1. I just had a good laugh because I get your feed in my reader and under this post about eating frugal on Weight Watchers was a Papa Johns ad! Ah, advertising, sometimes they really know what you want to see.

  2. I am feeling this post big time!! I have been a member of TOPS..(take off pounds sensibly) for about 5 months right now.. I've lost, I've gained and I'm pretty frustrated right now. I try to eat healthy and cook healthy. I swim 3 times a week and try to get on my treadmill.,,, but can't make it. Good luck to you and I'll be following along with you...

  3. Great job so far...I too am a Weight Watcher and love the new points plus plan (down 50+ pounds since Jan 10, 2011, only 11# left to go till I hit life time!!!) Thanks for posting some new ideas! Anytime you find really good ones please feel free to post!


  4. Thanks, everyone! I'll be sure to post more healthy recipes. Perhaps this will be a new way to "fake" some good food!

  5. Aww, thanks so much for the shout out!

    Also: I just have the biggest smile on my face after seeing a photo of your Scottie!! Mine was just put to sleep a few months ago, and I miss her so much. Scotties are the most amazing dogs, and yours is so cute!!! :)

  6. I came across something recently that I was really excited to read. I don't know about you, but I always seem to end up throwing away bananas that have ripened too quickly for me to eat them all. I hate the waste, especially because I love bananas! So when I read that I could use those overripe bananas to make something I would actually eat, I was excited. You just stick them in the freezer for an hour or two, then slice them and put in a food processor and blend them until they are smooth. Now you've got banana 'ice cream'! To be very honest, it isn't my *favorite* dessert, but it does satisfy that ice cream craving (you know...the one that comes late at night when your defenses are down? Yeah...THAT one!). I have experimented with adding a drop of vanilla to it, and I'm sure there are other additions that could dress it up. It's a diet-saver!

    1. Heather,

      You can also use those frozen bananas to make smoothies. Just add other fruits, unsweetened fruit juice and even spinach (you can't taste it but get the healthy vitamins). YUMMY!

    2. you can add some peanut butter to it for a filling protein kick!

  7. @ Katie, I'm so sorry about your sweet Scottie. Thanks for your inspirational recipes - please keep them coming!

    @Heather, GREAT idea!

  8. I've never done WW (I'm a South Beach gal), but one of the blogs I read,, posts frugal weight watchers recipes pretty frequently. I think it's neat how she shows that you can eat healthy without spending tons of money.

    Good luck on WW! I know lots of people who really like it and have been very successful

  9. I did WW for years, and did lose about 50lbs. Now with 3 kids I can't afford to join, but I recently came across and cannot recommend this group highly enough! It's free, the members are tremendously encouraging, and it is working for me! I've also recently started using the free podcasts, 'NHK Couch to 5K' and 'Podrunner Intervals, First Day to 5K', I really do need to get in shape!

  10. "I joined Weight Watchers three weeks ago. I initially didn't want to because I hate paying for something that I can do myself for free, but seeing as how I HAVEN'T been doing it myself, it made sense to get some support. Also, I realized that my health and well-being was worth $40/month."

    I could have written this - change join to re-join and change 3 weeks to 3 days! Thanks for the laugh and the recipes! Hope you are doing works if you follow the plan. Lost 23 between may and aug 2011...gained 5 back...have 28 to go

  11. Thanks for these recipes. I'm not a Weight Watchers girl but a Visalus girl...But we are all on the same path to achieving the same goal and that's to be healthy, lose weight and toning the body. By the way, love your blog!! :)

  12. I'm with you on all accounts, Love weight watchers dislike the cost. Great ideas look forward to more. /thanks

  13. I have been doing a pseudo-WW (which really means the cheap way without actually joining but researching the points) and it does work. My favourite breakfast is an egg-white omelet (usually I throw in some grated zucchini, dried chillies, 1 tsp capers and 1/2 oz of goat cheese) which is only 2 points. I usually have a side of veggies (I know that's weird for breakfast - you dont' have to tell me, lol). For 2 points, it's also a great lunch option. Good luck.

  14. Thanks so much! Looking forward to more recipes :)

  15. Love this blog!!

    Is there a way to figure point values without joining WW. My daughterused to be a member and I figured points for some of my favorite recipes, but she let the membership go. I would like to figure the points for some of the reciped I have found online.

    1. There are apps for the smart phone, etc that give points for your meals, they are not exact but they are close

    2. get on pinterest and search "follow weight watchers free" and there are links!

  16. Here is how I do Weight Watchers frugally - I joined a little over a year ago. One of my motivators was that when I hit my goal weight, I could be a lifetime member for free. It took me one year to become a lifetime member. The beautiful part is that I still get the support and the accountability and motivation to keep the weight off. If I go 2 or more pounds over my goal weight, then I have to pay again until my weight is down. I figure that first year was an investment for me and I'm so glad I did it. I lost 50 pounds and so far so good.

    1. I dont understand...if you're a lifetime member for free...why do you have to pay if you gain a few pounds??

    2. You have to stay within your goal weight to continue to be a free member. It's an incentive to stay on the program, get all the benefits of the program without having to pay for the program.

  17. i have a lot of frugal and WW friendly recipes on my blog *most with points plus values* over at

  18. check out this web site I found to cut calories out of food.

  19. to all my WW friends, I loved this.

    1. check out - blog at Wordpress. Website is directed to camping and rving, but good low cal recipes to make easily in an RV or campsite - and, therefore, the kitchen! Good low-cal eating tips for restaurants, too.

  20. Thank you so much for the roundup of heathy recipes. I'm on my own quest to get in shape and these will help me on my way! Check out my post "I'm Bringing Sexy Back"-

    Good luck with WW!

  21. Great!
    thanks for sharing this healthy recipes to everyone .

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