
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

"Faked" Ethan Allen Scottie Pillow

You all know that I love my little Scottie, Reagan.  Here's a video of him flopping around in the snow a few years back:

Last summer, when the Ethan Allen catalog came out, I absolutely fell in love with their super-cute Decorative Scottie Pillow.

The price tag, however, stopped me in my tracks.  Were they seriously charging $139.00 for a pillow?  That's nuts!  Who pays that?  It's certainly a luxury I can't afford...but I can sure Fake It!

I went to Walmart and picked up a 2 yard piece of their off-white duck fabric for $7.97. Then, I turned my attention to those terrible pillows that came with my sofa set.

You've probably had those pillows, too.  The kind where all of the fringe falls out all over the place.  There was one thing I liked about them, though, which was they had a lot of "free" stuffing inside them!  

To make the pillow, I doubled the fabric and then folded it in half.  I sewed all around the edge and left a hole big enough to stuff it.  I then did my best to outline the Scottie image as per the Ethan Allen pillow.  I painted inside the outline with black craft paint, and when the paint dried, I stuffed it. There were a few mistakes, like when I dropped a big hunk of paint on the pillow above the Scottie's neck (D'oh!), but I painted a little bow and bone over the mistake.  When it was done, I was pretty satisfied with the results:

The Fake-It Yourself Breakdown:

"Faked" Scottie Pillow (Fabric $7.97, Stuffing Free, Paint on hand)

Total Fake-It Cost:  $7.97

Compare to Ethan Allen's Decorative Scottie Pillow ($139.00)

Total Fake-It Savings:  $131.03

Linking Up at Tip Junkie, Today's Creative Blog, The Frugal GirlsFunky Junk Interiors and these other Great Parties!


  1. That is stinking cute! Great job. You could sell those and people would snap them up.

  2. This is really cute! And, the savings are beautiful!!!

  3. Wow, great job! I agree with you that $139 for a pillow is outrageous. Plus, I think your inexpensive recreation is even cuter than the original!

  4. That turned out so cute! I can't believe anyone would buy a pillow for $139.00! That is insane not too mention my electric and gas bill! LOL Thank you for being part of TTF and I hope you and your family have a very blessed 2012!

  5. Great job! That is stinkin' cute! I might have to make a basset version one day!

  6. Oh my God! My family altogether have 6 scotties! My MIL and I each have one, SIL has two, Aunt has 2! I drooled over those ethan allen pillows but no way was I paying that! I was going to try to find a iron on transfer since I am not a painter by nature! But I may have to try the outline then just fill in. What great Christmas gifts for next year if I can figure out how untalented me can get it done!

  7. How timely your little paint blop mishap! That red bow really makes your pillow stand out over the Ethan Allen, which actually looks a bit blah....

  8. Love yours better! You did an awesome job! So very cute! Please come share with my group tomorrow if you can!
    PS I give away $5 Starbucks cards. :)

  9. Very cute and a good paint job. I would not buy a pillow for $139 either. Pottery Barn sells theirs for $25-$50 without the pillow insert, not for me either.

  10. It looks really cute! All I have to say is, what crazy person would spend $139 on a pillow?!


    Have a great day!

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  12. You have done so much more than help me learn.


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